
Price cap mechanism of GEO no. 27/ 2022 – way out of regulated market (a lawyer’s perspective)

       Context  Liberalization of the Romanian electricity and gas market and the energy crisis  On one hand, the liberalization of the Romanian electricity market started on 1st of January 2021 (elimination of regulated prices, possibility to change the supplier and benefit from the competitive prices) and was completed  by the 1st of July […]

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New rules for sick leave since August 1st 2021

Legal grounds: Order no. 1.398/729/2021 of the Ministry of Health and the National House for Health Insurance The initial sick leave can be granted for a period of maximum 4 days, if issued by the general practitioner or of maximum 15 days, if issued by the specialist. The second sick leave (continuance of the first) […]

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Governmental website for companies to identify funding, EU included

Starting with 5th of August 2021, companies looking for funding, EU included, can use a new governmental website – The website helps identify more easily national and European funding programs (also the ones directly administered by the European Commission) and potential project partners. “The platform integrates consistent information for all potential beneficiaries, both from the […]

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September 30, 2021 – Last day for submitting the annual ultimate beneficial owner(s) statement

The UBO statement, by which the companies must indicate their ultimate beneficial owner(s), must be submitted latest on the 30th of September 2021, according to the GEO no. 43/ 2021. According to the Law no. 129/2019, companies are obliged to submit the UBO statement in the following cases: on incorporation of a new company; annually, […]

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Participation at the Conference “12th EU Criminal Law Day”

ANW was represented at the Conference “12th EU Criminal Law Day” organised by Strafverteidiger Vereinigung -NRW e.V. in Bonn, on 18th and 19th Octobr 2019. Under the title “Is the rule of law going under in Europe?”, Mrs. Roxana Stăniloaie spoke about the rule of law in Rumania.  

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